January 17, 2017

CNN CUDA 3.0 Development Notes


在這次的程式中,我們將來探討有關於sparse matrix對於CNN的影響,進而利用sparse CNN的特性更進一步的效能優化。用來表示sparse的方式有很多種,如COO,CSR等。這次主要針對COO format進行優化,並提出一個我自己設計的架構FAST format 改善COO的缺點與提升整體的效能

Current Record

- Configurations
- Performance
我們跟part1的優化版本(DualKernel_200)做比較,thread/block的configuration都一樣,實驗結果如下所示,可以發現效能部分,coo與FAST皆比之前的版本改善許多。FAST在資料傳輸與kernel運算的效能都比COO的效果來的好。Transmission部分是因為減少了matrix的傳輸數量,kernel部分是減少了global memory存取的時間,因此利用FAST format優化後的最終結果是約167倍。

Representaion of sparse matrix

對於sparse matrix有很多種的表示法,如COO,CSR等,我們這次是針對COO的資料格式進行優化並在最後跟我自行設計的FAST format比較與分析

whats is COO

when a matrix is filled with many 0 elements inside, we call it “sparse matrix”. Therefore, we could use COO format to represent this sparse matix. For each sparse matrix, we will use 3 other array to represent it’s non-zero data and also the row and column information of each non-zero data.

Sparity of CNN

Sparsity in filters


Sparsity in Neurons

If we could get rid of zeros

  • Reduce the amount of computation dramatically
  • Reduce the time spend on transfering data between Host and Device
  • Could get even better performance

Implementation – COO format

對於CNN的平行化設計,我們可以藉由觀察base program 與CNN的架構來決定加速的演算法,如上圖所示。在我們的程式中主要有兩個kernel,分別是convolution kernel 與max pooling kernel。從base program中發現,每個Input Neurons與 filter是不相依的,因此可以在這個地方做平行化。
這次的COO我們主要是用在filter上面,neurons就用原本的資料格式。因為在coo的格式下面,可以直接存取filter裡面非零的值,對於filter的部分,每個thread不需要做512x3x3次,只要做512次即可,InNeu[inNeuIdx]我們另外加了一個判斷式,判斷是否為0。因此主要是加速Convolution 這個kernel的速度,結果如下所示:
for (int i = 0; i < 512; ++i) { CooIdx = threadX*512 + i; ifmy = threadY - 3 / 2 + FiltCooRow[CooIdx]; ifmx = threadZ - 3 / 2 + FiltCooCol[CooIdx]; inNeuIdx = i * fmArea + ifmy * 32 + ifmx; if(InNeu[inNeuIdx] != 0) if(ifmy >= 0 && ifmy < 32 && ifmx >= 0 && ifmx < 32) sum += FiltCooData[CooIdx] * InNeu[inNeuIdx]; }
================ Result ===================
CPU time for executing a typical convolutional layer = 17160.6ms
GPU time for executing a typical convolutional layer = 123.628ms
Congratulations! You pass the check.
Speedup: 138.808
原因是coo的特性,他會用4個matrix去表示一個sparse matrix,分別是data、row、col與nnz,因此資料傳輸的時間就會比原本的多出許多。
void initCooMemoryCopy() { int filtCOOVol = sizeof(short)*FILTNUM*FMDEPTH; //512x512x1 int NeuCOOVol = sizeof(short)*FMDEPTH; cudaMalloc(&devfiltCooNNZ, filtCOOVol); //short input COO to kernel //input COO to kernel filter cudaMalloc(&devfiltCooNNZ, filtCOOVol); cudaMalloc(&devfiltCooData, filtCOOVol); cudaMalloc(&devfiltCooRow, filtCOOVol); cudaMalloc(&devfiltCooCol, filtCOOVol); // input COO to kernel neurons cudaMalloc(&devinNeuCooNNZ, NeuCOOVol); cudaMalloc(&devinNeuCooData, NeuCOOVol); cudaMalloc(&devinNeuCooRow, NeuCOOVol); cudaMalloc(&devinNeuCooCol, NeuCOOVol); cudaMemcpy(devfiltCooNNZ, filtCooNNZ, filtCOOVol, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice ); cudaMemcpy(devfiltCooData, filtCooData, filtCOOVol, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice ); cudaMemcpy(devfiltCooRow, filtCooRow, filtCOOVol, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice ); cudaMemcpy(devfiltCooCol, filtCooCol, filtCOOVol, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice ); cudaMemcpy(devinNeuCooNNZ, inNeuCooNNZ, NeuCOOVol, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice ); cudaMemcpy(devinNeuCooData, inNeuCooData, NeuCOOVol, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice ); cudaMemcpy(devinNeuCooRow, inNeuCooRow, NeuCOOVol, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice ); cudaMemcpy(devinNeuCooCol, inNeuCooCol, NeuCOOVol, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice ); }
從kernel的部分來看,他在存取global memory的次數也會增加,如下圖所示,Memory的存取佔最多的時間

- nvprof result
==31878== Profiling application: ./cnnConvLayer
==31878== Profiling result:
Time(%)      Time     Calls       Avg       Min       Max  Name
 98.26%  43.087ms         1  43.087ms  43.087ms  43.087ms  convLayerGPU(short*, short*, short*, short*, int*, int*)
  1.20%  527.99us         9  58.665us     832ns  172.57us  [CUDA memcpy HtoD]
  0.35%  153.50us         1  153.50us  153.50us  153.50us  MaxPoolingGPU(int*, int*)
  0.18%  80.158us         1  80.158us  80.158us  80.158us  [CUDA memcpy DtoH]

==31878== API calls:
Time(%)      Time     Calls       Avg       Min       Max  Name
 63.89%  79.152ms        12  6.5960ms  3.4230us  78.732ms  cudaMalloc
 34.91%  43.247ms         1  43.247ms  43.247ms  43.247ms  cudaDeviceSynchronize
  0.89%  1.1068ms        10  110.68us  6.4950us  201.98us  cudaMemcpy
  0.19%  241.51us        83  2.9090us     698ns  81.226us  cuDeviceGetAttribute
  0.03%  37.156us         2  18.578us  8.7300us  28.426us  cudaLaunch
  0.03%  31.778us         1  31.778us  31.778us  31.778us  cuDeviceTotalMem
  0.02%  27.797us         1  27.797us  27.797us  27.797us  cuDeviceGetName
  0.02%  20.603us        12  1.7160us  1.0480us  8.0320us  cudaFree
  0.01%  10.405us         8  1.3000us     698ns  4.8890us  cudaSetupArgument
  0.00%  2.7230us         2  1.3610us     768ns  1.9550us  cuDeviceGetCount
  0.00%  2.4450us         2  1.2220us     908ns  1.5370us  cudaConfigureCall
  0.00%  1.7460us         2     873ns     768ns     978ns  cuDeviceGet

Implementation – FAST format

因此我們主要針對兩個部分進行優化,第一個是coo在資料傳輸(HtoD)的時間與kernel對於memory存取的時間。我們基於coo的格式設計的一個可以有效降低資料傳輸時間的FAST format,如下圖所示。
我們將coo的data、row、col壓縮到同一個matrix裡面,將data放在百位數之後,row放在十位數,col放在個位數,因此我們在host to device的memory malloc時就可以大幅減少傳輸的時間與call API的次數。如此設計有兩個好處,第一個是在HtoD時只需要傳輸一個matrix,另一個好處是可以減少kernel對global memory的存取次數,對以往的coo每個thread需要存取3次以上,但用FAST format只需要存取1次即可,存取完之後,在讓每個thread分別decode出個別的row、col與data。
  • FAST Format
void initFastFormat() { int tempdata = 0; for (int j = 0; j < FILTNUM*FMDEPTH; j++) filtFastData[j] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < FILTNUM*FMDEPTH; i++) { tempdata = filtCooData[i]; filtFastData[i] = tempdata*100; filtFastData[i] += filtCooRow[i]*10; filtFastData[i] += filtCooCol[i]; } }
  • Kernel
for (int i = 0; i < 512; ++i) { FastIdx = threadX*512 + i; data = FiltFastData[FastIdx]; col = data % 10; data = (data - col)/10; row = data%10; data = (data - row)/10; ifmy = threadY - 3 / 2 + row; ifmx = threadZ - 3 / 2 + col; inNeuIdx = i * fmArea + ifmy * 32 + ifmx; if(ifmy >= 0 && ifmy < 32 && ifmx >= 0 && ifmx < 32) sum += data * InNeu[inNeuIdx]; }
由上圖可以看出在資料傳輸方面減少了call API的次數,意即減少傳輸的時間。
void initFASTMemoryCopy() { cudaMalloc(&devfiltFastData, sizeof(int)*FILTNUM*FMDEPTH); cudaMemcpy(devfiltFastData, filtFastData, sizeof(int)*FILTNUM*FMDEPTH, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); }
減少了global memory存取的次數,但另一方面卻增加了arithmetic的時間,因為需要花額外的時間去decode FAST Format。
從上圖可以發現,FAST format也可以有效的降低kernel對memory的傳輸頻寬,從coo的140.915 (GB/s)降低到136.759 (GB/s)。因此FAST format的實驗結果如下所示,資料傳輸的時間與kernel的時間都有降低。
================ Result ===================
CPU time for executing a typical convolutional layer = 16438.6ms
GPU time for executing a typical convolutional laygter = 105.128ms
Congratulations! You pass the check.
Speedup: 156.368
但FAST format還是有個缺點,就是由於我們必須要把COO的三個matrix全部壓縮到同一個matrix裡面,難免會有爆掉的情況,因為COO的matrix全部都是short的變數型態,但short的變數型態只有16 bits,也就是說當COO的data只要超過655,那這樣FAST的matrix就會爆掉,因此我們只好犧牲容量,將FAST的變數型態宣告成int來解決會爆掉的情況,但相對的,在HtoD的malloc部分就會比short需要花上更多的時間。

Source code

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