- 1. Preparation
- OS : Ubuntu 14.04 (LTS)
- gcc version : 4.8
- g++ version : 4.8
- Nvidia GPU : Geforce GTX 970
- Recorder : Howard
- Because kinfu library is not included in the normal pcl package, so you cannot build the package from PPA or pcl-1.7.2 , you have to build from source and the package is pcl-master that you could git from github . In this tutorial, I will show you step by step to set up the packages.
- 2. Before Start
- Before we start to build pcl-trunk, I assume that you already build and install pcl packages on your computer and could execute the program (ex. pcl_write.cpp) successfully.
- First, you have to install CUDA and your GPU driver. Please visit nvidia official website for more detail information. After finishing install CUDA tool-Kit, you shall able to run the sample code (ex. nbody) successfully.
- For more information :
- 3. Main
1. Download pcl-trunk
- Go to pcl github and git the lastest version of pcl-trunk. Take me as an example, my pcl-trunk is called pcl-master, so I git pcl-master to /home. You could use git clone command or download the zip file using browser are all okay.
- Extract the file build a directory called "build"
- [NOTICE] Before start to cmake, you have to add your gcc and g++ to path. Otherwise, you will DEFINITELY build fail !!!
- cmake and ccmake
- In your build directory, ccmake to enable gpu and cuda and add the DIR or LIB if ccmake cannot find the directory.
- 4. Test and Verification
- After you make and install the package, all the execute file will be store in /bin
- Try to run the program to see whether it works successfully.
- Have fun.
- 5. Reference
1. Some tutorial blogs
- Install Kinect Fusion on Ubuntu
- Configuring your PC to use your Nvidia GPU with PCL
- PCL/OpenNI tutorial 1: Installing and testing
2. Errors and solutions blogs
- Help! Error in building pcl-trunk #399
- PCL trunk compilation error
- Building error with latest pcl-trunk: emmintrin.h (SSE2) is included for armv7l platform. #1271
3. Change gcc and g++ version
- a. How to switch GCC version using update-alternatives
- b. How to change the default GCC compiler in Ubuntu?
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