I've been thinking about a project to control the flash light on the Christmas tree since the Xmas is coming.
Therefore, I wrote a program on Arduino that provide 2 way to control the light on the tree.
First, use keyboard or Bluetooth of your smartphone to control.
Second, use buttons to control.
Check out the rough code below:
void setup() { pinMode(2,INPUT); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { SericalControl(); } int relayswitch(boolean status) { if(status == 1) { digitalWrite(7,HIGH); Serial.print("relaystatus = "); Serial.print("HIGH"); } else { digitalWrite(7,LOW); Serial.print("relaystatus = "); Serial.print("LOW"); } return 0; } void SericalControl() { if (Serial.available()) { char cmd = Serial.read(); switch(cmd) { case '1' : relayswitch(1); break; case '2': relayswitch(0); break; } } } void ButtonControl() { int bottonCmd = digitalRead(2); if (bottonCmd == 1) { relayswitch(1); } else { relayswitch(0); } }
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